Board of Zoning Adjustment
Process & Procedures for Requesting a Variance
Appeals to the Board of Zoning Adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved or by any officer, department, board, or bureau of the City of Donaldsonville affected by any decision of the Zoning Administrator. Such appeal shall be taken within a reasonable time, as provided by the rules of the Board, by filing with the Board of Adjustment a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The Powers of the Board shall be:
- To interpret the Donaldsonville Zoning Ordinances.
- To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by the Zoning Administrator.
- To interpret the provisions of this Ordinance in such a way as to carry out the intent and purpose of the plan, as shown upon the map fixing the several districts accompanying and made a part of the Zoning Ordinance.
The following data is required to request a variance or special exception of the Zoning Ordinance.
- A completed typewritten application;
- A detailed plot or site plan on LETTER OR LEGAL SIZE paper must be submitted with the request for a variance or special exception. The plot plan shall include a detailed location of all servitudes, easements and all structures on the property in such a way as to be easily interpreted by the Board of Adjustment.
If the Board of Adjustment approves the request for the variance, a HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT holding the City and the Board of Adjustment free and harmless of liability due to the granting of the variance or special exception is to be filed and recorded with the Clerk of Court. The OWNER is required to sign the HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT. A certified copy with recording data is to be furnished to the Inspection Division before the permit will be issued. The Board meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Donaldsonville City Hall, 606 Railroad Ave. Either the OWNER, CONTRACTOR OR APPLICANT must attend the meeting to present their case. Application must be made no later than twenty (20) days before the scheduled meeting. A FEE of $15.00 is paid at the time of application.
Donaldsonville Downtown Development District / Main Street
The Donaldsonville Downtown Development District Commission is a volunteer-led commission with a mission to promote the unique character of the district with the goal of transforming it into a cultural, social, professional, and retail center for the city and parish. The vision of the Commission to restore downtown Donaldsonville to make the City a desired place to work, live, stay and play!
The DDD has plans to attract a cozy culture that attracts downtown singles, retirees, artists, musicians, and those who enjoy walkable services, ample green space, and most importantly, adventures in creative place enriched by events and rich with retail and culinary businesses.
The Goals of the Commission include:
- To promote the unique character of the historic downtown district
- To transform the downtown district into a vibrant cultural and social center of the City of Donaldsonville and Ascension Parish
- To energize economic growth
- To inspire community pride
- To increase sales tax collections by 25% by the end of year 3 through small business development, smart legislation, & job creation
- To inspire community pride by providing job opportunities for residents
- To improve youth outcomes by investing in the education system through internship and mentorship programs (public/private)
- To attract millennial residents who desire small town culture with a "walk-to" way of life.
The unique market segments for its vision include: Heritage Tour & Travel, Historic Preservationist/Historians, Heritage Arts (Cultural, Music, Visual, and Film), Hydrology, STEM, Agricultural, and Archeology Markets.
The Commission acts as the official division of the City and executes all responsibilities according to the Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism Office of Cultural Development’s, Division of Historic Preservation and Division of the Arts’ Cultural District, Louisiana Main Street Program, and responsibilities assigned to maintain the responsibilities of the City’s Certified Local Government designations.
All events and activities in the district are included in the City's Calendar of Events.
Historic District Commission
The Donaldsonville Historic District Commission is responsible for the preservation of all such buildings and sites in the Donaldsonville Historic District, in the opinion of the commission, has architectural and/or historical value and which should be preserved for the benefit of the people of the city and state.
Donaldsonville is one of Louisiana’s oldest incorporated cities and is nationally recognized for its historic resources. The Historic District in Donaldsonville is the second largest district in the state of Louisiana directly behind the New Orleans Historic District(s). The architectural and cultural assets of the district are enjoyed by residents, business owners and visitors as links to the City’s heritage while also setting the stage for a vibrant future. Preserving these assets are essential to Donaldsonville’s well-being.
The Design Standards for Historic Properties promote the community’s vision for sustainable preservation by guiding appropriate stewardship of historic resources and compatible redevelopment in the district. The commission utilizes Design Standards as a guide for rehabilitation, alteration, expansion and new construction projects involving locally-designated individual historic landmarks and properties in locally-designated historic districts. They also guide Historic District Commission review of such projects, helping the City and property owners maintain the special qualities of Donaldsonville’s historic resources.
The commission is protected under Article III Division II of the City of Donaldsonville Code of Ordinances and legislated by the United States National Park Service (US National Park Service Historic Preservation Resources) General Contractors, Resident-managed projects, Realtors, and Developers should contact City Hall for Historic District Consultation by by calling 225.473.4247.The City of Donaldsonville Historic District is legislated under Ord. No. 2005-08, § I, 6-28-05 (3-28-93)
Donaldsonville is one of Louisiana’s oldest incorporated cities and is nationally recognized for its historic resources. The Historic District in Donaldsonville is the second largest district in the state of Louisiana directly behind the New Orleans Historic District(s). The architectural and cultural assets of the district are enjoyed by residents, business owners and visitors as links to the City’s heritage while also setting the stage for a vibrant future. Preserving these assets are essential to Donaldsonville’s well-being.
The Design Standards for Historic Properties promote the community’s vision for sustainable preservation by guiding appropriate stewardship of historic resources and compatible redevelopment in the district. The commission utilizes Design Standards as a guide for rehabilitation, alteration, expansion and new construction projects involving locally-designated individual historic landmarks and properties in locally-designated historic districts. They also guide Historic District Commission review of such projects, helping the City and property owners maintain the special qualities of Donaldsonville’s historic resources.
The commission is protected under Article III Division II of the City of Donaldsonville Code of Ordinances and legislated by the United States National Park Service (US National Park Service Historic Preservation Resources) General Contractors, Resident-managed projects, Realtors, and Developers should contact City Hall for Historic District Consultation by by calling 225.473.4247.The City of Donaldsonville Historic District is legislated under Ord. No. 2005-08, § I, 6-28-05 (3-28-93)
Planning & Zoning Commission
The Planning and Zoning Board Administers the City of Donaldsonville Codes and Regulations.
The Planning Commission
The planning commission is an agency legally established by this government in conformity with state legislation with all the rights and responsibilities defined by this legislation. The staff consists of professional and non-professional personnel employed by the commission to carry out its directives pursuant to fulfilling the planning commission's responsibilities. Staff functions may be conducted by private or public consultants at the discretion of the commission. A registered professional engineer employed by or contracted for by this government and charged with making all engineering recommendations to the government.
The Zoning Commission
The function of the zoning commission shall be to recommend the boundaries of the various districts as well as the restrictions and regulations to be enforced therein, and any supplements, changes or modifications thereof, to hold all public hearings as are necessary and proper and in requirements of law; and to make a report on its findings and recommendations to the council.
Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Committee
The City of Donaldsonville Committee on Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice is aimed at creating an equitable, inclusive, and just environment that welcomes and empowers all members of our community. The Committee on Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice will play a key role in helping us carry out future planning for the City of Donaldsonville.
The Committee on Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (EISJ) desired to promote equity, inclusion, and social justice within every aspect of the City’s municipal administration, ordinances, residential, and business environments. To advance these efforts, the committee will work to identify proactive, sustainable strategies to generate and institutionalize attention to equity and inclusion in relation to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, political affiliations, class, age, color, size, sexual orientation, ability, immigrant status, and national origin.
The committee, using innovative best practices, will create the infrastructure to address inequalities arising from any differential distribution of power, resources, and privilege in the City, and to support initiatives that enable citizens to be more educated on the City’s historical footprint as well as engage social change leading to a more just and inclusive society.
The committee, led by a group of community volunteers, will identify possible changes to address equity and inclusion concerns and to forward broader community-wide policy and practices to be submitted to the Donaldsonville council and leadership for consideration.
The committee is composed of volunteers appointed by the Mayor. Committee membership will include a representative reflection of the demographics of the City of Donaldsonville but will emphasize a younger audience to drive the future vision for the City of Donaldsonville. The committee includes representation from a broad and diverse committee with additional steering committees under each area identified by the broad committee.
The Committee will meet as frequently as needed and additional committee members will meet with the steering committee group as often as necessary to examine issues, create change strategy, and work with the administration to implement change as necessary.
At-large volunteers will be solicited as needed. Leadership and terms of the committee including but not limited to a charter instrument, strategic plan, mission and vision, will be set by the committee at large.
Efforts will be made to ensure the committee reflects the broad range of diverse experience and backgrounds represented in the community. The committee with select a chair/facilitator or co-chairs/facilitators and a record keeper to ensure the committee meets regularly and provides updated information on its work as well as an annual plan and report to the administration. Additionally, the committee may request ad-hoc members to join subcommittees for periods of time to work on special projects.